Bonjour Berthe! Is viewed as the first book as it introduces the two main characters and is simple, with short, easy sentences, which actually cover several themes. I will be looking at a couple of those themes.
Introducing Yourself
Songs. Songs are always a good way to familiarise children with new vocabulary. You can learn quite complicated vocabulary this way and if the song turns out to be an earworm – so much the better!
Here are two songs that I have used to practise the vocabulary for introducing yourself. Unfortunately, I can’t find them on Youtube.
Bonjour. Je m’appelle Michelle.
Comment t’appelles-tu?
Bonjour. Je m’appelle Michelle.
Comment t’appelles-tu?
Je m’appelle Michelle
et salut!
Salut! Ça va?
Ça va et toi?
Ça va bien merci et au revoir!
The Ball Game. After having introduced Je m’appelle…… and Comment t’appelles-tu? I would sit everyone down in a large circle. I would give someone a large ball (Preferably a soft one!) They would say their name. Bonjour, je m’appelle……….Comment t’appelles-tu? They would then roll the ball to someone else who would continue..Bonjour, je m’appelle…. When someone has passed the ball they fold their arms so that they are not chosen more than once.
The Speed Game. Keeping in the circle go round one person asking their neighbour Comment t’appelles-tu? who answers. They then ask their neighbour. This continues one at a time around the circle while the teacher times how long it takes to complete the circle. The time is noted down. You do the same again and go in the opposite direction to see if the time could be beaten. When I was doing this with several parallel groups I would often mention the time achieved by another class to see if, in the final round, they could beat the other class’s time.
La Chasse. For this game you need a pile of cards. Each card is as in the box below and has a name on it and a corresponding card. Try, if possible, to put in names that normally go together e.g. Laurel and Hardy, Belle (Beauty) and La Bête (The Beast), Popeye and Olive Oil, Asterix and Obelix, Sherlock Holmes and Watson. If you run out of names just make some up – as long as you are pairing them. The cards are as follows:
Bonjour, je m’appelle Je cherche Comment t’appelles-tu? |
Copy the above and fill in with names to make your cards. |
For example:
Bonjour, je m’appelle Laurel. Je cherche Hardy. Comment t’appelles-tu ? |
Bonjour, je m’appelle Hardy. Je cherche Laurel. Comment-t’appelles-tu ? |
The cards are shuffled, then distributed, one to each child with the remainder placed face down in the middle of the circle. The children can look at their own card but must not show them to anyone else. A selected child A chooses someone B and reads out the whole of their card to them. B then reads out the first two lines of his card. If B has the card with the name of the person A is looking for on it A keeps B’s card and they both take another one from the pile. A then has another go. If B’s card did not match when previously asked, then it is the turn of the person to A’s left to read out their card and choose someone to ask. The winner is the person who has the most cards when the cards in the middle, or the bell, has gone. This game involves memory and poker faces.
Speed Game Around the Class. The children each have a list names of the members of the class. They are given a set time, e.g. 3 minutes, to go round saying in French who they are and asking the other person who they are. When the introduction is complete, they tick the
person’s name off the list and move on to someone else. The aim of the game is to see who can complete the most introductions in the time given. Ticks are deducted for anyone not speaking French or who fails to ask the other person the question.
Practising Il s’appelle…. Elle s’appelle….. Ils s’appellent….. and Elles s’appellent.
For this game you will require 10 or 12 x A4 envelopes, or sheets of A4 paper stuck together at the top, and some pictures of people or characters that the children are likely to know. Begin by writing a large number on each of the envelopes 1-10. Slit the envelopes along the two longest sides. Now put them solid side (The bottom of the envelope) at the top. Lift the flap and, using blue-tack, stick a picture on the inside of each of the envelopes. Some of the pictures can be of more than one person.
The Envelope Game.
Playing the game. Stick the envelopes on a wall or cupboard door in numerical order. Divide the class into teams. Someone from the first team chooses a number e.g. Numéro trois. You lift the flap of envelope number three and the child has to give the name or names of the person/people inside. Il/Elle s’appelle…. or Ils/Elles s’appellent…. If they get the name wrong the envelope is closed and someone from the next team chooses an envelope. If they get it right the envelope is removed and their team gets a point. No one must say the name after an unsuccessful go as the envelope should still be available to be selected.
Qu’est-ce que c’est? Game. Use the envelopes from the envelope game and this time put inside pictures of words that you have covered in class. They say Numéro sept. Qu’est-ce que c’est? C’est un chat – or whatever it is.

Tennis Game. You challenge someone in the class to a ‘game of tennis’. You say Qu’est-ce que c’est? and then as you pretend to serve a ball you say a word in English. A cat! They have to pretend to hit the word back to you. Un chat! You then continue with just the English word. You do this 4 times altogether. They have to return the word within the time it takes to return a ball. If they’re too slow they’re out.(Prepare a few words yourself first as you also have to be quick.) This is a good activity if you have a few minutes left at the end of the lesson. Try to match the words to the ability of the children without being too obvious.
C’est Quelque chose Qui Commence Avec Un…. Game. The children say ‘Qu’est-ce que c’est?’ You say ‘C’est quelque chose qui commence avec un T.’ They have to guess what the word is.’ C’est une télévision?’ ‘Non.’ ‘C’est une table?’ Oui, c’est une table.
Qu’est-ce que c’est? Qu’est-ce que c’est?
C’est une sorcière.
Qu’est-ce que c’est? Qu’est-ce que c’est?
C’est une sorcière.
Où est la sorcière?
Elle est ici.
Où est la sorcière?
Dans la cuisine.
Où est la sorcière maintenant?
Où est la sorcière?
Dans le salon.